About Us


The worldwide search for manpower parallels the increasing demands of socioeconomic growth and progress. This is true whether in developed or developing countries. The demand corresponds to actual and projected needs. And these needs are many and varied. It is meeting these requirements that make manpower recruitment and mobilization a vital activity. For the elements of competitive costs, selectiveness, reliability, timely delivery and such other vital consideration come into play.

Middle East countries have been moving forward in their economic development and modernization. To move forward, they have been needing a variety of manpower, in the thousands.

The economic tigers of Asia, both established and emerging have gone into mass manufacturing and industrialization. They, too, are in need of manpower to support their drive. North America and Europe, whose economies are mature have their own unending demands for manpower.

This is why 21st Century Manpower Resources Inc. was organized. To help raise that manpower requirement. To respond qualitatively to the need. It is a company meant to serve.


21st Century Manpower, Inc. has been in the forefront of deployment of Filipino manpower since it was founded in 1993. Business has its motivations. Each of the contracting parties, more often than not, have their own agenda of activities of achieving objectives. 21st Century Manpower Resources, Inc. has its own, its propelling power: SERVICE

Service is a term that welds strongly together integrity, honesty, sincerity and reliability 21st Century Manpower Resources, Inc. is known for it; it stands squarely for it. It underscores the adage: A Company profits most that serves best.